Author : yash

Best Business Intelligence Tools (BI Tools) 2022: Are you using any of these?

Business intelligence tools 2022 Business intelligence tools offer an easy way to monitor the health of your business at any given moment. While some companies may be using them, many aren’t. There are many real-world examples of companies like, Baylis & Harding, Cementos Argos, Sabre Airline Solutions, Univision, New York Shipping Exchange, Stitch Fix […]

How Emotional AI is a Boon for Non-Profits?

AI is here in all its glory. It has become part and parcel of our lives without us even noticing it most of the time. A branching study of Artificial Intelligence is Emotional AI which deals with decoding human emotions for the sake of betterment of society. Understanding the human mind and consequent emotions are […]

Top Challenges Faced by Nonprofits Due to Lack of Data Strategy

To accomplish social good, it is essential to understand the nature of the target audience and how each campaign might affect them. The combined efforts of an NGO or Nonprofit get enhanced tenfold by just recognising the patterns of social needs and their consequent reactions. Data analysis and data strategy for nonprofits are still not […]

How to win more sales using retail analytics?

You’ve most certainly heard of retail analytics if you own or operate a retail business. Analytical insights into income, inventory, clientele and other crucial elements for merchants are provided through retail analytics. Retail analytics is primarily used to assist in making informed decisions, operating businesses more efficiently, and providing intelligent customer care analytics. Beyond simple […]

The Essence Of Data-Driven Storytelling: The Modern Way To Facilitate Data in 2022

Data is an essential component of every business regardless of the industry your organization caters to. This is precisely why several businesses invest a lot of time and effort in finding precise data value and communicating it to their target audience accordingly. Nowadays, a mere display of spreadsheets with rows of numbers has become insufficient […]

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